Do you think giving up is the best option for your future? Read this article before you go through with it!
You’re reading this article because you have that sinking feeling deep in the pit of your stomach. You feel guilty for all the times you’ve said “forget it” and called it a day without giving anything your all. You want to change things, but you don’t know-how.
But, there are other ways to get what you want. Stop giving up on yourself! Start thinking about what your future could look like if you wanted it bad enough to work for it every day.

You’re thinking that it’s too much work to pursue your dreams, but you don’t want to fail. Do you know what your lack of action is costing you? Let me tell you this: life is a series of decisions. You choose how you live it every single day. Whether it’s a horrible choice or not, you’re still making the decision to be that way.
You can choose to succeed or fail. You can make excuses and blame others for your failures or you can decide that today is the day you get moving forward towards your goals. Tomorrow is not promised, so do what you want for yourself before it’s too late!
Your future is up to you and no one else. You’re the one who gets to choose if you want to be successful or not. You can work hard and get what you want in life, but only if you make a choice to do it now. It’s easy to think that someone else is responsible for your success or failure, but that simply isn’t true.
You get to choose what you do with your life. You’re the one who has to live with the consequences of your actions, so don’t waste another second blaming others for how your day has gone.

You never know when life will get hard. You might be faced with a difficult situation that seems impossible to overcome, or maybe you just need to make some tough decisions about your future. And that’s when we often give up because we don’t have the strength or courage to keep fighting.
We think that we can’t ever win; that we’ll be defeated before we even get started. This is why giving up is the best option for your future. When you give up, you usually don’t have to deal with the consequences of your actions, and there’s nothing standing in your way.
“A person lets go of what they are afraid may happen. A person holds on to what they believe may never happen.”
When you give up, you can pretend that a problem doesn’t exist or that it isn’t your problem. It’s not uncommon for people to give up on their relationships, giving them only one option—breakup.
It’s easier than working through the problems and trying to figure out a solution. When you decide to break up, you just let things happen naturally, instead of having to make any hard decisions.
But when you give up, you can’t take things into your own hands. You can’t handle anything on your own and must rely on outside help. So, no matter if it’s a relationship or even an office job, your job is to work hard until the very end to make sure you get what you want.
“A full-grown person can be completely broken down by a dozen defeats.”
When you give up, there’s nothing left to fight for. You don’t have any more chances and you can’t make anything better. You’ve already given up; there’s nothing else to try. You’ve accepted defeat, so you can’t do anything else except accepting your fate.
But giving up isn’t always the best option for your future! For example, in a business setting, giving up will cost you money. If you’re a salesperson, and you give up on a deal halfway through the week because it’s just too hard to impress the client, that money is gone. You could have profited from that deal.
Persistence can help you to get through your biggest obstacles and achieve anything that you want. You don’t have to accept defeat. You’ve still got hope and a chance to improve your situation. Don’t give up!